The Red Cherry shrimp is the result of selective breeding of Neocaridina heteropoda. It started in Germany and later spread in the US. This shrimp is very undemanding and will actively breed in ideal conditions. It is advisable to put this shrimp in an aquarium or planted tank without predators.
These shrimps are also algae eaters but due to their small size, they are not very efficient on this. You can feed the Cherries with blanched vegetables like cucumber and others. Just like the other shrimps, they are sensitive to copper. Avoid spraying insecticides near the aquarium. Please note that a small amount of insecticide vapor can wipe out the entire generation of red cherry shrimp.
Water Parameters
PH Range: 6.2 – 8.0
Temperature Range: 65 – 85
Hardness Range:3 – 15 dkh
Life Span: 1 – 2 years
Gestation Period: 30 days Size: 0.5″ – 1″
Diet: Omnivore
I started with 10 red cherry shrimp and after a year there were about more than 400 of them.