Pogostemon helferi known as Downoi is one of the most beautiful foreground plant you can buy in the market nowadays. This plant is quite expensive and rare in fish stores due to it's sensitivity during shipment. Most of the time, you can only buy this from some hobbyists and is definitely pricey compared to other plants. Downoi takes time to adapt sometimes when introduced … [Read more...] about Pogostemon helferi
Benefits of Moss Tank
Moss tank is a kind of planted tank that consists of mostly varieties of mosses and is becoming popular to some planted tank hobbyists. Moss fits best if you want to create a forest like effect or if you want to have a low maintenance foreground plant. Mosses can also be used in breeding tanks especially for egg layers like tetras who doesn't take care of thier eggs. This … [Read more...] about Benefits of Moss Tank
The Secret of Aquarium Maintenance
The traditional way of aquarium maintenance is very tedious. It requires a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of patience. Usually, most people give up the hobby because of the traditional way maintaining the aquarium. Here is the process that one needs to undergo if they want to clean the aquarium in the traditional way: 1. Take out the fish and put in in a … [Read more...] about The Secret of Aquarium Maintenance
Maxspect LED Lightings an Ideal Lighting System for Marine Tank
60Watts G1 Maxspect lighting system Maxspect LED lighting system from China is making a great deal of a durable lighting system for marine tanks. It has LEDs that have 3 watts power consumption with color temperature of 10000k-12000k, LEDs that have 30 watts power consumption with color temperature of 16000k-17oook, LEDs with Royal blue light and LED with … [Read more...] about Maxspect LED Lightings an Ideal Lighting System for Marine Tank
Red Cherry Shrimp
The Red Cherry shrimp is the result of selective breeding of Neocaridina heteropoda. It started in Germany and later spread in the US. This shrimp is very undemanding and will actively breed in ideal conditions. It is advisable to put this shrimp in an aquarium or planted tank without predators. These shrimps are also algae eaters but due to their small size, they are not … [Read more...] about Red Cherry Shrimp